The seeds planted by our ancestors grow into sprouts just like babies grow into children. Roots begin to grow and soon we see a trunk that is the pillar that our lives are built on. The traditions, the values, the legacies passed on from generation to generation all help to make us stronger and able to withstand the different challenges and seasons.
From the trunk grows the branches signifying the different stages of our lives. The years go by and we experience and appreciate each milestone. The tree is fully grown and flowers start to appear.
Inevitably, flowers wilt and die just like our lives come to an end. As the flowers drop to the ground, the tree bears the fruits which just like our legacies, will be picked up by the family we leave behind.
As your life journey ends and you cross over to your next journey, you look back at your life here, and you will find peace in the knowledge that you have left your affairs in order.